December 2024 Virtual Run MADVent Calendar 

We have two virtual events this December 2024. You can find details below. We will make a donation to Willowbrook Hospice for each entry. 

December 2024 Madvent Calendar and Mini Madvent Calendar
You can now sign up for this year’s MadRunners MADvent calendar.
Entry for Adults or Children is £6 which includes: 

⭐️Tree decoration (choose red/gold/green or silver/white) 

⭐️Donation to Willowbrook Hospice 

⭐️Daily email from 1st-24th December to keep body and mind 

Mini entry MADvent is £6 and includes daily email, donation
and a chocolate treat 


December 2024 12Ks of Christmas
You can now sign up for The 12Ks of Christmas Virtual Run and Run, Job or Walk throughout December.

Registration is available until 24th December or when we reach our maximum of 100 entrants and a donation from each entry will be made to Willowbrook Hospice. Entry costs £6 per person. 

You can complete your distance all in one go or as a number of separate activities. Virtual entries can run anytime, anywhere. 

If you are a local MadRunner you will also have the option to the distance at a social run or any MadRunners sessions.


You can follow our fundraising and total here: